Who we are

Coopératives des Caféiculteurs de Kalehe (CCKA) is an agricultural cooperative founded on 10th September 2009 by the small coffee farmers of Kalehe after finding that the culture of the coffee was their main source of income activity that was abandoned following multiple wars in Congo that led to serious consequences for people’s lives.

The main objective is to improve the conditions of socio-economic lives through the production, processing and marketing of quality coffee sought by major international buyers.

Currently, CCKA has 1881 members of which 85% are small farmers who are vulnerable among which include widows, orphans and young people.

Our activities

  • Training Members on best farming techniques related to the production of coffee and other agricultural products such as beans, cassava, however, soya beans, etc
  • Development of hotbeds, coffee nurseries, and agro-forestry
  • Distribution of coffee seedling and trees for agroforestry to members,
  • Assisting technical members during the fields by the agricultural monitors
  • Collection and processing the members’ coffee in the washing stations and market it to major international buyers
  • Distribution of income (profit) taking into account the quantity delivered by each member
  • Initiation of members and their families to other income-generating activities
  • Lobbying and advocacy with local authorities on the vlorization of coffee

Location and Contact details


Ihusi-Chibanja, Mbinga South Grouping Chiefdom Buhavu,
Kalehe territory,
South Kivu Province,
Democratic Republic of Congo

Tél : +243 994597904 | +243 852403512 | +243 853241117

Email: cckacoopecagri@gmail.com | balyananestor@yahoo.fr