Name: Central Coffee Farmers’ Association Ltd (CECOFA)
Products: Coffee
Country: Uganda
FLO ID 29912


  Central Coffee Farmers Association (Cecofa) is a farmer owned organization based in Wakiso district of central Uganda. Formerly known as Nsangi Coffee Farmers’ Association. The organization was originally founded in 2005 by a small group of entrepreneurial farmers. CECOFA is now made up of 3182 farmers within the districts of central Uganda.

CECOFA brings together coffee farmers from the Wakiso region and helps them improve their farming practices, access the international market, and receive technical training and support. Cecofa’s vision is to help alleviate poverty in their district through market-based sustainable agriculture practices.

Coffee growing and processing

Our farmers grow natural Robusta coffee near the shores of Lake Victoria, harvest only red ripe cherries, dry naturally under the sun, hulled at our coffee factory, graded and exported all over the world.

Quality management systems

Cecofa invests alot in quality management, traceability and coffee farming sustainability programs with a quality control laboratory and trainings in GAPs.


Cecofa was the first producer organization in Uganda to involve young people in coffee farming as a business through games and sports as the entry point. Our Coffee football youth club now has a lot of ambassadors and youthful crusaders and coffee farming.

Community welfare

Through our community social responsibility programs we reach out to community to address the general needs like water and sanitation, environmental protection, health care and infrastructural development.

Coffee profile

  • Altitude: 1450m
  • Smallholders: 3 ha on average
  • Total area under production: 4,670 ha
  • Growing practices: Mountain microorganism fertilizers and shade trees, terraces and post-harvest handling methods used
  • Coffee variety:Robusta: Screens 12, 15, 18
  • Typical profile:Nutty, woody and creamy cereal notes with a medium to strong body and smooth finish
  • Harvest: January-December
  • Other certifications: Coffee Global Platform/ 4C

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