Coffee Safaris

Book your Coffee Safari experience in Ethiopia today!

For 20 years, AFCA has been hosting Coffee Safaris alongside the AFCC&E, providing attendees with the opportunity to meet the people behind their cup of coffee. This year is no different – we are partnering with some of Ethiopia’s most renowned coffee companies to take you to the origins of coffee! Please see below for our current Coffee Safari offerings in 2024:

Trip Option 1: Kerchanshe Trading Debeka Coffee Safari (3-days, 2-nights, all-inclusive)Sold Out

Dates: February 3-5, 2023 

With over 15 years of experience, Kerchanshe Trading – the largest producer and exporter of Ethiopian coffee – will take you on a journey to their renowned Debeka Farm in Yirgacheffe. After arriving in Hawassa, guests will travel to the farm and stay overnight in luxury tents. To capture the journey from farm to processing, Kerchanshe will take guests to visit their washing station, Kocheree, and even invite them  to take part in a coffee cupping. On the last day, you will be invited to take a city tour of Hawassa before flying back to Addis Ababa. If you want to experience Ethiopian coffee, don’t miss this trip!

“A bad day with coffee is better than a good day without it.” 

Cost: US$300 for members, US$325 for non-members

Please note that the cost is all-inclusive, including airfare.

Trip Option 2: Moplaco Trading Coffee Safari to Sidamo Bensa (3-days, 2-nights, all-inclusive)Sold Out

Dates: February 3-5, 2023

Experience Ethiopian coffee in the region of Sidamo Bensa, one of the country’s three trademarked coffee regions. The lush highlands reach an altitude of up to 2,200 meters above sea level, resulting in slowly ripened fruity and aromatic coffees. After flying into Awasa, you will spend the night in Aregash Lodge, featuring a traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremony and hyena feeding. Early the next morning, long-time exporter Moplaco Trading will take you to their washing station and coffee farms for a true Ethiopian coffee experience.

Cost: US$350 for members, US$375 for non-members

Please note that the cost is all-inclusive, including airfare. Also note that space is limited, and bookings will be reserved on a first come, first serve basis.


Day Trip Option: Horra Trading Processing Facility

Date: February 6, 2023

Horra Trading has over 18 years of experience in the Ethiopian coffee industry, and today, is one of the leading export companies in the country.

Currently, they export both washed and unwashed Arabica coffees, processed at their state of art facility in Addis Ababa, which is one of the largest and best equipped in East Africa. During this day trip, Horra Trading will take you on a tour of their processing facility and café. Coffee and lunch will be provided.

Cost: US$10 for members, US$15 for non-members


How to Book

If you have already registered for the conference, but still want to reserve your spot on a Coffee Safari, please contact