SODEPAC, the inventor of the humidity absorber and specialist in humidity treatment for 40 years, offers a range of humidity protection solutions for both industrials and the general public. Continued substantial investments in our Research and Development department enable SODEPAC to be a major player in Europe and to expand global presence. SODEPAC’s rapid response and ability to develop tailor-made solutions ensure that we remain a solid partner and a major asset for your company and your customers.

With the SEKODRY® brand, SODEPAC provides a range of innovative solutions dedicated to industrial, packaging and logistic professionals, enabling them to protect their goods from humidity, odours and ethylene. SODEPAC ensures that your goods travel safe, enabling you to protect and preserve food products such as cocoa, coffee, tea, rice, fruits and vegetables, flour, mineral water, animal feed and also metallic items, canned goods, tobacco, fabrics, etc.

Rather than just relying on comparative studies that always come out in favour of those who publish them, we look to customer satisfaction and expert recommendations to underline the effectiveness of our solutions.

Indeed, SEKODRY® has been admitted best product by a panel of independent experts* for sea transport from West Africa to Europe and Asia bearing agricultural products (cocoa). This study was particularly useful as it subjects very sensitive products to extreme climate variations.

SODEPAC operates worldwide and is the world leader for the protection of cocoa, cashew nut and coffee shipped from Western and Eastern Africa, the world’s largest producers.