Who we are

Abateraninkunga Ba Sholi (Sholi) is a 1st grade cooperative group based in the Sholi sector of Muhanga district in central Rwanda. It was established on 2008 by 30 women in the region, who united to commercialize their coffee and invigorate the local coffee market. The organization’s name ‘Abateraninkunga’ means ‘mutual assistance’ Kinyarwanda. After a few years men were involved into cooperative previously known as a lady’s’ cooperative. The name was changed to ‘Abateraninkunga Ba Sholi’ to reflect this. There are now 334 producers in the cooperative 42% of them being women.

Sholi was Fairtrade certified in 2015. Our mission is to be the best coffee producers in Rwanda, and we are passionate about supporting the economic and social development of our members and communities.

Coffee growing and processing

Sholi is located at very high altitude and gets plenty of rainfall. A combination of fertile soils and a temperate climate, it makes the area ideal for producing high quality coffees. The cooperative has already made an impressive impact on the Rwandan coffee market. Our coffee has been recognized locally and internationally for its quality in different cupping competitions. The group won the Rwandan Cup of Excellence Award in 2014 and 2015.

Producers cultivate and pick their coffee crops on individual lots. The cooperative owns its own coffee washing and drying stations. The cherries are washed, processed, and left to dry naturally in the sun. The cherries are then delivered to the cooperative’s collection canters. The processed coffees are taken to Kigali for export purposes.

Benefits of Fairtrade

All our members participate in the general assembly which sits twice a year. Communication flow is managed through meetings, letters, emails and phone calls.

As Sholi is newly certified, Fairtrade-funded projects are still in their early stages. Our members are very motivated and excited to use their Fairtrade premium to tackle community development issues and help alleviate poverty in their district.

Quality and productivity

We are keen to improve our quality and productivity levels. We have already begun capacity-building and training initiatives for our members.

Women and gender

Women are the core founders of this cooperative and continue being part of key to Sholi’s operations as they make up almost half of the membership.

Environment and Water

Producers have planted 23,000 trees for conservation purposes. Land is also set aside to encourage biodiversity. Members have received training in agroforestry practices, and been taught biodiversity awareness techniques. The cooperative is now building a waste water management facility.


  • The local area is in need of basic community and infrastructure development.
  • Climate change has affected weather patterns and production levels. Receiving the Fairtrade premium will help them mitigate this problem in the future.

Sholi Coffee profile

  • Variety: 100% Coffee ARABICA
  • Type of Processing: Coffee Full Washed (specialty Grade A1)
  • Cupping Score: 85 %
  • Growing Altitude: 1800-2000m
  • Soil: Volcanic to Sand-clay
  • Volume of Production: 5Contains of green coffee
  • Harvesting: Selective hand picking
  • Drying: Natural direct sun-drying
  • Harvesting period: Starting in March until end of June.
  • FLO ID 32238
  • Fairtrade certified since 2015
  • Rainforest Alliance certified since 2016
  • Certificate No: AFRI-G-100396
  • Number of members 334


E:mail address: nshimima@yahoo.fr
Telephone: +250 788899823