Coffee Exporters and Processors Association of Rwanda (CEPAR) is no political and non-profit membership umbrella organization of coffee farmers in Rwanda contains with 24 coffee exporters members, was formed by 2012
The main objectives of CEPAR are to defend, promote and protect interests of its members in professional, economic and social matters, CEPAR are concentrated on the coffee production as integration washing station with the farmers, promoting and support wet processing, roasting and drying
Our vision is to be an association in which all the coffee exporters co exist peacefully, committed to performing various activities in promoting a meaningful and sustainable high quality coffee at all levels to specifically uplift its members
Mission: to represent the economic and social interests of coffee farmers through active participation in policy issues impacting on coffee sub-sector in Rwanda and enhance the capacity of members to address issues related to coffee production, processing and marketing for improved livelihoods of coffee producers.