Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT) is a Chartered Public University that has two campuses: the Main Campus located 6 km from Nyeri town along Nyeri- Nyahururu highway and Nairobi Campus located at Pension Towers, Loita Street. DeKUT is a Premier Technological University that endeavors to provide holistic education. With world class facilities, exceptional staff and students, DeKUT boasts of the highest level of innovation and academic excellence.

The courses offered are spread through School of Engineering, School of Science, School of Business Management and Economics, School of Computer Science and Information Technology, School of Health Science, Institute of Geomatics, GIS and Remote Sensing, Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Institute of Food Bioresources Technology, Geothermal Energy Training and Research Institute and the Institute of Professional Studies.

The Institute of Food Bioresources Technology offers the following programmes: (i) Certificate in Coffee Technology and Quality Management, (ii) Diploma in Coffee Technology and Cupping, (iii) B.Sc. Food Science and Technology, and (iv) M.Sc. Food Science and Technology. The Institute is currently developing a model Coffee Technology Center towards processing, packaging, research and training in coffee technology. Among the pioneering products of the Center includes DeKUT’s premium medium roast ground/whole bean coffee and coffee-flavoured yoghurt. DeKUT farm is endowed with 175,000 bushes of coffee (combined SL 28, Batian and Ruiru). DeKUT coffee farm is also involved in Coffee Productivity Project in collaboration with Coffee Research Institute (funded by European Union) to provide high quality coffee seedlings to the farmers at subsidized prices.

For enquiries contact:

P.O BOX 657-10100 Nyeri
Cell: 0713123021/ 0727088807;
Cell: 0710-127516;
Facebook: Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
Twitter: @DeKUTkenya

Better Life Through Technology