Who we are

Solidarite pour la Production et la Commercialisation des Produit Industriels et Vivriers (SOPROCOPIV) is a cooperative that is dedicated   to   sourcing   and   processing coffees from different farms around the North Kivu region.

Since 2004, a group of small coffee planters have tried to organize themselves into a cooperative to revive the culture of coffee on the high mountains of the graben housing the west side of Lake Edward in Lubero territory. This led to the formation of the SOPROCOPIV cooperative by a group of  farmers who were motivated to improve their  lives, education  and  healthcare  services  through  the  production  of  specialty  coffee.  The cooperative started with 1408 farmers in 2008. Currently, the cooperative has 5036 farmers and other 2023 farmers are in the process of integration into the Fair Trade Certification training program. The cooperative is certified by UTZ.  The Trader program for these farmers was launched by Muhindo Muhindo Jean-Marie, the current chairman of the board of directors who succeeded the leadership after his father Denis in 2016.

Our  focus  on  good  processing  techniques that are supported by organic certification have led to development of  better coffee that can be offered  at  a  higher  price  level  to  the  international  market  because  of   its  quality.  To solve the challenges of coffee processing, the cooperative has built 4 washing stations and 12 mini-washing stations. The SOPROCOPIV cooperative also has its own processing plant plant with the capacity of crushing 1200kg / h. For the maintenance of control and quality monitoring system, the cooperative has enrolled 26 agronomists, 4 supervisors and an ICS manager.

The  cooperative  members  have the economic benefit of  a sustainable income so that they can reinvest and continue to improve their techniques in planting, growing, and processing to ensure  consistent,  high  quality  coffee  production.

The first year of certification enabled the cooperative to equip its farmers with manual pulverizers and other tools such as plastic tanks, tarpaulins, among others that enabled the farmers to produce washed coffee. These farmers also need to be supported both technically and financially in their coffee production processes which the farmers believe satisfies their needs better than any other food crops.

Contact details

Id Nat. 5-9-N 46347P

Web site: www.soprocopivcoop-ca.com
E-mail: soprocopiv@yahoo.fr
Tél: +243 994 307 301 | +243 812 765 216