KOAKAKA Cooperative was created in 2003. Currently, the Cooperative has 1316 producer-members of which 297 women. They take care of 745.000 coffee trees.

Our cooperative is shareholder of RWASHOSCCO Ltd since 20016 and they take care of our logistics and exports to our buyers in EU, USA, Japan and Australia.

Our exceptional coffee grows in the South Province of Rwanda, at the edge of Nyungwe rainforest, protected natural reserve and green land of the region.

We manage 70 collection centers and 2 coffee washing stations, alimented by natural spring water from the mountains.


Special reserve of Rwanda, score 2016: 90.3%

Since 2011, KOAKAKA Cooperative participated in the Cup of Excellence in Rwanda, and our coffees scored as follows:

  • 2015: 89.05%
  • 2014: 87.6%
  • 2013: 87.1%

In 2016, we won the best coffee of the country, with a score 90.3%, and our exceptional coffee was chosen to be served during the coffee breaks at the SCAE 2016 exhibition in Dublin.

Exceptional quality

  • Altitude: between 1685 and 2000m high
  • Variety: Arabica bourbon
  • Grades A1
  • Score > 85%, with an average of 87% in 2016

Floating tank for selection of heavy cherries only

  • Fully washed
  • Double fermented
  • Sundried
  • Handpicked and hand selected at 2 stages

We are members of:

  1. African Fine Coffees Association (AFCA)
  2. International Women’s Coffee Alliance (IWCA)

Fair Trade Certification

 KOAKAKA Cooperative is Fairtrade certified since 2004.

We are also in the process of being part of Rainforest Alliance & UTZ certified.

Prize won

In 2014-2015 we won the solidarity price of the Rwanda Cooperative Agency.

Contact details

Mr. Bonaventure SAFARI, General Manager
P.O.BOX: 42 Nyamagabe, Rwanda
South Province, District Huye /Nyamagabe, sector Kigoma, RN6
Tel: +250 (0) 789723300 – +250 (0) 788479756
E-mail: koakakacooperative@yahoo.fr  / bonasaf2@gmail.com
@: rwashoscco@hotmail.com