The National Cocoa and Coffee Board (NCCB) was created by Decree No. 91/271 of 12 June 1991, and amended and supplemented by Decree No. 97/141 of the 25th August 1997. It is an administrative public establishment with financial autonomy under the supervisory authority of the Ministry of Trade. NCCB is a body created to ensure the control and marketing of cocoa and coffee.



The NCCB is the body in charge of regulating, supervising the certification of products and coordinating the cocoa and coffee sub-sectors as well as representing Cameroon in international cocoa and coffee organizations.


Contribute to alleviating rural poverty by improving the socio-economic conditions of small scale farmers. We intend to devote all efforts and creativity to strengthen the capacity and competence of all stakeholders by working together for the sustainability of the sector.


  • Control and guarantee the quality of  cocoa and coffee.
  • The statistical monitoring of exports as well as the cocoa and coffee marketing seasons.
  • Defend and promote the brand image of Cameroon origin.
  • Take measures to streamline and valorize the marketing of produce, their derivatives as well as promote the marketing process.
  • Oversee the dissemination of information and guarantee a smooth functioning of all activities of the sector.
  • Assure adequate training of sector operators in view of a more professional sector.
  • Monitoring international cocoa and coffee agreements as well as represent Cameroon in international cocoa and coffee fora.

Contact details

Ndoping Micheal – CEO
