Who we are
Tropic Coffee Company is a Youth company committed to specialty coffee, based in Rwanda. The Owners of Tropic coffee have started operating as a coffee traders since 2012, buying green coffee from different coffee producers, coffee washing stations, cooperatives, individual producers, etc) and reselling it mainly in domestic market, with some volumes being exported.
Our mission
Our mission is to provide to our clients with the highest standard and quality coffee available across the world of consumer tastes and preferences, at a fair price, while following to our guiding values and increasing producers’ income.
Origin of our coffee:
- Twumba coffee washing station; THE WINNER OF CUP OF EXCELLENCE 2018 (Western Province) is situated in Twumba Sector, Karongi District. The area has a relief characterized by high mountains with very steep slopes that flow into valleys and its bordering Nyungwe National forest. The altitude varies between 1,800m-2,200m above sea level, the average annual temperature is 18°C which varies with the altitude.
- Muhororo coffee washing station (Western Province): Ngororero District, Muhororo Sector. The areas experiences tropical climate of high altitude. It is one of Rwanda regions which have high rainfall with an annual average of temperature varying from 16°C to 21°C Annual rain falls ranging from 1100 to 1500 mm, thus these features are favorable to coffee development. The altitude varies between 1,600m-1,850 m above sea level.
- Kibingo coffee washing station/COPROCAGI Cooperative (Southern province): The area has an average annual temperatures generally oscillate around 20 c with amplitudes changing between 15 c and 20 c and annual rainfalls of about 1200 mm. The altitude varies between 1,450m -1,650 m above sea level.
- Gisanga Coffee washing station/ KOAKAMBU Cooperative (Southern province): with high and low peaks, this areas constitutes one of the best elements of the central “plateau” of the country with mean altitude of 1606 m above sea level this part is on the high mountains of the Nil-Congo; it has peaks prancing beyond 2000 meters.
Contact details:
Address: Kigali-Rwanda
Tel: +250 788666146 | +250 785028807
Email: rugachris1@gmail.com | tropicoffeeltd@gmail.com
Website: www.tropicoffeeltd.com