
By Kambale Kamungele, Export Director, Ets Tsongo Kasereka

The DRC is a country endowed with a tropical climate, fertile soil, abundant water resources, which offers favorable conditions for the cultivation of co ee. Despite its immense potential, the country’s coffee production and export volumes have been declining for the last three decades. A new approach for revamping the coffee industry is needed, if the country is to continue respond to the challenges of the needs of the rural farmers in the midst of an increasing global coffee consumption.

In the DRC coffee is mostly produced by smallholders in mixed farms where it is intercropped with subsistence crops such as banana, beans, which ensure households’ food security. Many varieties of coffee are available in the country but two major species are grown for commercial purposes;

To read more please visit Page 22 t0 23 of our July – September 2017 Magazine Issue.

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