
by Prof Joseph Kieyah and the Grand Paradé Team

Grand Paradé, San Francisco based Kenyan specialty coffee importer, hosted a unique cupping with prominent Bay Area coffee professionals on September 10, 2018 in Berkeley, California. The event featured Professor Joseph Kieyah, president appointed Chairman of the Kenya Coffee Task Force, who led a conversation about the ongoing reforms in the Kenya coffee sector.

In the CoRo cupping room, the Kenyan government and US industry leaders had a face to face discussion about challenges, issues, and resolutions for Kenyan coffee. The goal for Kenya was to understand the demand market’s needs so that they may rise to the occasion. Professor Kieyah shared the Coffee Task Force’s reform implementations which are creating new infrastructure on the supply side. With this focus in place, it is now time to engage the global market.

To read more please click here and turn to page 20 of our October – December 2018 Magazine Issue