
The First World Coffee Producers Forum met in the city of Medellin, Colombia, on July 12, 2017, and considering that: Profitability of coffee farming in many producing countries faces a critical situation, even going through periods of losses, due to different factors such
as: lower international coffee prices, which have dramatically deteriorated the coffee trade terms (reducing the purchasing power of coffee growers), low agricultural productivity, increasing production costs related to climate change and variability, and rising labor costs of production activities such as harvest.

  1. Lower profitability has led a significant percentage of coffee producers in the world
    to live in poverty, with deprivations in their quality of life (housing, utilities, delayed or poorly attended education, low access to health systems, etc.), and reduced ability to reinvest in their farms.
  2. Even if development of specialty coffee in the last decades has generated some premiums to producers, these have not been enough to o set the costs associated with certifications, and the analysis of value of the global coffee chain shows that the share reaching producers is very low, in contrast to that remaining in the hands of traders, roasting companies, and distributors to final consumers.

To read more please visit Page 26 to 27 of our July – September 2017 Magazine Issue.