The 2018 AFCA Techincal Trip to Brazil in Partnership with Palini & Alves
By Sylvio Padilha, Agronomist, Coffee Grower and Export Trader for Palini & Alves Ltd
“I believe in the farmer and the land – sources of wealth and well-being and the right of access of the rural community to the benefits of science, education and culture …” (first paragraph of the “Creed of the Extensionist”, written on a hand-painted panel at the Incaper’s HQ main entrance)
On the second week of September, eight AFCA stakeholders from: Angola, Malawi, Kenya and Rwanda, traveled to Brazil for a technical trip carried out through the partnership AFCA / Palini & Alves Ltd.
The aim of the trip was to introduce to the participants, the latest Palini & Alves post harvesting innovations and the best practices technologies led by Incaper, the main research, technical assistance and rural extension institute for both c. canephora (mainly) and c. arabica, in Brazil.
As a first appointment, there was a welcome meeting at Palini & Alves HQ, in which the group had the opportunity to present themselves and express their expectations regarding the trip.
To read more about this story please click here and turn to page 26 of our October – December 2018 Magazine Issue.